Thursday, March 10, 2011


Today shall mark the celebration day for Ma'am Rebecca Febrero, CPA to leave the teaching profession. She retires from teaching Accounting and related subjects after the challenging and grueling 20 years in  Saint Paul University Surigao, formerly known as San Nicolas College.

The BS Accountancy Alumni has collaborated to realize a "Tribute to Ma'am Bec-Bec" event. Most of the transactions happened and being facilitated by the Facebook. And today here it comes. I did not go home to attend the ceremonies but I was requested by Dupong, my classmate, friend and colleague in the profession, to prepare a poem in dedication to Ma'am Bec-Bec - Nanay Bek.

A poem? Are you kidding me? I only wrote a poem once in high school and have it published in the college school paper. I can not even remember what it contain. I don't even know what and how to word a poem, much more a poem for my favorite mentor? But the request came this afternoon and Dupong will be reading it tonight. So I rushed and have finally come up a reasonable amount of words, simply written and arranged to look like a poem. Dupong titled it "The ASCENT of a MAN: a TRIBUTE to my TEACHER!"

Here it is.

Oh how blessed we have been
We thank God for this wonderful offering
A teacher of high caliber is given
Who teaches us life beyond accounting

To our beloved Ma’am Bec-Bec we admit
We became achievers because of your deeds
We thank you for such great teachings
We love you for such great caring

You have been consistently great
You have been constantly excellent
You have always been our great teacher
You will always be our mother

Many a times we make you laugh
There have been times we make you cry
Though most of the times we make you mad
But everything no matter unfathomable is grounded on love

Times had passed, years gone by
Some of us stay, some of us fly
As we showed the world who we really are
We always declared in our lives the who you are

We will always keep the memory forever
We will always maintain Ma’am Bec-Bec in a special ledger
As we periodically account for our revenue
Our balance sheet will be complete because of you

Now that you leave the portals of teaching
We wish you the best of luck in retiring
Along with it our congratulations
And we thank you for making an indelible mark on our souls

The BSA Alumni, Batch 1997 would like to send our best wishes to Ma'am Bec-Bec:

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