To be able to work with the Coffey Institutional Development was a rare opportunity.
My project with the Department of Education (DepED), the Strengthening of Financial Management System in DepED, a component of the Philippine-Australia Public Financial Management Program, funded by the Australian Aid, took two phases. The Phase 2 I worked with from July 2013 to June 2014 was under the firm AARC (Ireland) Ltd.
The Phase 3 that followed was contracted under Coffey from July 2014 to June 2015 with the hope of extension for yet another year. Then the move of the Philippine Government to go electronic with its whole public financial management from budgeting to procurement to treasury and accounting was finally shelved, so they claimed, but junked as far as our team is concerned.
That was the reason they based from for the cut short extension. Instead we were granted 3-month contract extension, from July to September 2015. And to celebrate our last day with the company, which for me marked our team's demolition, the colleagues in Coffey blew us a party at Burrow, The Podium.
My project with the Department of Education (DepED), the Strengthening of Financial Management System in DepED, a component of the Philippine-Australia Public Financial Management Program, funded by the Australian Aid, took two phases. The Phase 2 I worked with from July 2013 to June 2014 was under the firm AARC (Ireland) Ltd.
The Phase 3 that followed was contracted under Coffey from July 2014 to June 2015 with the hope of extension for yet another year. Then the move of the Philippine Government to go electronic with its whole public financial management from budgeting to procurement to treasury and accounting was finally shelved, so they claimed, but junked as far as our team is concerned.
That was the reason they based from for the cut short extension. Instead we were granted 3-month contract extension, from July to September 2015. And to celebrate our last day with the company, which for me marked our team's demolition, the colleagues in Coffey blew us a party at Burrow, The Podium.