Title: May Offense
My friends called me a barriotic person. I guess I am. I prefer tranquil, exotic, uncrowded places. I love the barrio of my birth. After finishing college and passing the board exam, I chose to work at the municipal hall as our town’s accountant. Just to be always feeling at home and at peace. I know I spend my whole life in this very rural and unknown town.
Anao-aon is a dead-end municipality lying along the west coast of Mindanao Island’s northern peak. Ponong is the remotest barrio to the west wrapped around by hills filled with coco trees in the southeast and wild sea in the northwest. Sunset though unspoiled, unhurried, uncommon lure is the only natural magic we behold. It is the sunset that sets time for us; it signifies break, retreat and respite from the hard day’s work. Mothers dutifully prepare supper, children’s intact in the living room facing the TV; fathers if not congregating sit at the door front with cigar on one hand and a bottle of local rum on the other. At around eight in the evening, everyone is locked inside each abode, lights off.
This is habitual, customary, our definition of normal and ordinary.
The deafening calmness and the blinding darkness at night can be experienced for the whole year round. Except the month of May, this May, where silence is sacrificed, customs put on hold. Widespread festivities happened around neighboring barangays, Santa Cruz on May 1 and Virgen de la Paz on May 3 recently concluded. Fiestas to come are Birhen sa Fatima on May 13, San Isidro Labrador on May 15 and Santa Clara on May 17. Largess for this year is at the highest since national election tomorrow is added. It is highly considered in this rural a feast day in May in triennial interval. Balikbayans from around the globe are home to celebrate feasts with the whole consanguineous clan and to support family and friends running for politics. High School and College students from the cities are backed home to spend summer and to vote.
Today, Sunday, May 9 is a festive prelude to Election Day where everyone’s out in the street, queuing along the dirt highway like long-stretch buntings arranged in crooked interval. This afternoon’s view of another beautiful sunset involves malicious excitement and anticipation. The barriofolks are expecting somebody, something. The sun however takes a slow motion in contrast to the heightening eagerness of people for the darkness to arrive. People around me seem willing to step on the remainder of the sun, push it down to render its final peek and then dip into the ocean. Slowly the sun disappears from the horizon leaving hues of orange on its tail, then grey, then dark.
And the whole neighborhood holds its dirt grounds, willing to savor supper of rice and dried fish as toppings at the roadside. No child entertains the horror of night creatures, no elderly fears the night colds, no laborer cares to retire early to regain strength for tomorrow’s toil. No one’s ever visited by sleepiness, ever shivered by every touch of cold sea breeze, ever threatened by the night creatures wandering for prey. Even the dominant chattering of cicadas is overpowered by the crowd’s chitchats and buzzing. The central topic of which is Santa Claus’ coming to the barrio. He is not the Christmas Santa, he does not wear the voluptuous red suits, he is the Santa that only appears every three years. Gifts, in cash and in kind, are expected that Santa will deliver.
Tonight’s joviality is a disturbance to the routine, an interruption of the usual, a violation of normalcy.
My territory is invaded. Two policemen now stationed at the concrete covered checkpoint where I used to wait. Three of our local version of political analysts, my very own father at the center, occupied the nipa-made purok I used to spend my midnights. I drag my feet to farther venue, the little cottage at the middle of the ricefields, to check if it too is taken.
My usual route is crowded. Bystanders, young and old, parents and children, boys and girls packed the dirt main road; more are coming out tugging along wooden stools. I turn right to the pavement that tapered towards the dike that connects to my favorite hut.
The upside nevertheless is that my potential prey has expanded and in wide range. Along the way, I noticed beautiful boys imported from bigger cities now returning to vote for the first time. Especially the nephews of ‘Ya Goring, Nathan who studied in La Salle, just turned 19, so fresh from Manila, I saw him brushing his teeth when I passed their kitchen. He grew so taller and sexier after a year that I saw him around here. The usual out-of-school bystanders are congregating at the front benches of Tiya Delying Store. I heard them chanting, teasing, and swearing when I step on the dike to the hut.
“Thanks goodness!” I exclaimed in relief to find the hut vacant and headed back home.
I reach the main rocky road to find the people frenzy. People flocked around the scattered representatives of Escabal’s political party. The party rumored to win the mayoralty and vice-mayoralty seats. I approached the nearest group and Nong Atoy noticed me, “Sir!” he shouted reaching for me a rolled piece of paper.
I unroll it to find Vote for Councilor Levi Gesta campaign flyer with two hundred pesos in it. “Wow, two hundred for a councilor? How much more is for mayors, vice-mayors and other councilors?” I wonder. I pocket the whole stuff then and hurried home without glancing back.
I hum my way out, wiping off the sprinkled water on my face from brushing my teeth. I head directly to Tiya Delying store, now already empty of drinking bystanders, “Coke, Tiya,” I hand her the 200 peso bill.
“Guess this is you share,” pointing his pouched lips to the other flock crowded by the bystanders. I smiled and nodded.
“Who’s your president, Loy?” I know it! She will really ask me this.
“Gibo, T’ya,” I replied after a long gulp of the coke sakto. I emptied the bottle hurriedly to avoid more questions about who I vote for as congressman, governor, vice governor, board members, mayor and so on.
“Noynoy ako Loy!” she declared.
Our barrio is Escabal’s territory, eight houses west from us lay their lair. The wife Marga who is my distant relative is running for mayor. Her camp promoted Noynoy’s presidency. I shun questions like this; my choice of our town’s future officials is sensitive for me. The other candidate for same sensitive position is another distant relative of mine, the incumbent town mayor, Sonny Olbes. Olbes’ camp campaigned for Villar as their presidential bet. In our local case alone, insurgency is rife, choosing sides is highly delicate; even few weeks after the declaration of the winner. I don’t want to be labeled as for whom and for what. Answering the who and what will beget why and how questions. “Thank you T’ya,” I excused.
I walked absentmindedly the long-stretched dirt road towards west. When I came near Escabal’s residence, I noticed Nathan standing alone under the shadow of the tree. “Hi, Sir!” my all-time crush greeted me. “Musta sir?”
“I’m fine, thank you,” I courteously responded with a slight nod. I continued walking on the opposite lane passing his spot.
“Where to, sir?” he asked again.
“Just a little walk to the sea, I guess.”
“May I join you?” he offered.
Oh my! My mind told me. Astonished, “why not?” I stammered.
“How’s you mom’s campaign?”
“I don’t know. Things getting dirty, I believe. Mom and Dad are building private armies and they seem to go on war.”
“Then you should not be out here. Tonight in fact is very dangerous for your whole family.”
“I need some air. I want some peace. I came here to experience vacation. Not to meddle with election mess.”
Same here, my mind reaffirmed.
We can hear the slamming of waves on the shores.
“Let’s sit down” he offered hands spread gesturing an imaginary cloth to cover the cold wet shores for us to sit on.
“Tired of walking? We better sit down there,” I suggested pointing at my favorite cottage I checked earlier, just few steps back through the dike.
I feel the same because I enjoyed night my whole life here. It is my time to tour around looking for tricks.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Title: Maniacal Obsession
Nanlalaki mata ko to notice that a olive green Toyota Corolla sped straight to my direction. Napalukso ako sa may bangketa reaching the faded signpost, hoping it will save me. “Putcha!” I swore.
It was a week ago at this very spot as I walked along Libertad street towards the highway when a motorcycle with two riders on sideswept me and grabbed the black leather bag containing the company-issued HP laptop computer clutched on my right hand. Fortunately, I seized the bag firmly that the back rider has let go. “Fuck you!” I remembered swearing at the direction where they zoom away. It upset the coolness of my morning so fixed for a business trip to Tarlac.
Akala ko isang beses lang sa buhay ng tao ang malas o disgrasya. Exactly one year ago today, when “laglag barya” gang victimized me one early morning on my way to the office. I rode a passenger jeepney then and it stopped in just a corner away from my office building. Five big men jumped in whom I thought are normal passengers. Three of them sat in front of me, one on my left and the other on my right. I felt great, fresh and carefree that day that I sensed no danger. The center guy fronting me reached their fare to the driver who accidentally, I assumed, dropped the coins on my spot. All four men busied themselves to retrieve scattered coins under my seat, each one trying to part or push or swing my legs here and there to clear the view. Then all of a sudden my two-month old Nokia 77 swung out of my right pocket, picked up by the fifth man on my right side who jumped off in an instant. “My phone!” I cried. “Phone mo ‘yon? Habulan mo, ayun o!” the third man facing me suggested pointing to the snatcher crossing the footbridge 200 meters away. “Di ba kasama n’yo yon?” I snapped and hurriedly got off. I meekly entered the gate after losing site of the snatcher.
And here I am again, nearly bumped by a car at this landmark of my hard luck. I opted to walk towards EDSA after a weeklong morning rides, the phobic effect of the snatching attempt. Saturdays. The car stopped at my spot but I stood the ground. The mirrors rolled down and the driver peeked over the passenger side’s window. “Hi!” he greeted. Just HI? Does he think this incident is some joke? What about ‘I’m sorry’? I just stared at the handsome face; eyebrows crossed, and then proceeded my way.
As I crossed the corner before Edsa, I noticed the same car turned the other corner. I walked passed stores, Andox, Mini-Stop, Mang Boks and Mercury Drug. I stopped at the corner to wait for the right bus to ride and there came the same car following me. It parked in the vacant parking space inside Mercury Drug compound. The driver come out of the car and walked towards me. Maybe he’s lost and needed direction from me. Or he may know me but I did not recognize him. “Hi, Adrian here. Think I know you. Have met you somewhere.”
I don’t know if it was a question or simply a declaration. But oh! he’s damn cute, svelte, 3 inches taller than me. In black and white striped polo, sleeves rolled up in three-fourths. I was star-struck and haven’t uttered a word but he offered me the passenger seat. I was supposed to visit my other apartment in Commonwealth, QC as it was Sunday, my usual schedule visit, I told him. But he brought me to his pod instead in Madison Tower around Pioneer, just few blocks away from my pod in the opposite side of Edsa.
“I’m sorry to scare you”, I finally heard him apologized. “I just want to surprise you”. Surprise me? Who the hell is this guy to surprise me? I don’t even remember meeting him or just having a glimpse of him in any place on earth I have been to.
He told me he has been eyeing for me since the first time he saw me one afternoon around there. He was then riding a white car. He then confessed that he orchestrated the snatching incident that happened to me few days ago. He reminded me that he was the IM doctor whom I consulted several months ago when sore throat attacked me. And that was at Healthway SM City North-Edsa the Block. He checked on my medical records but the address was in Commonwealth. He planned of pursuing me but declined considering that it was too far and too circumventing from his normal route.
He confessed he hired men to monitor me. He indeed knew my morning routine as I went out of my apartment; that I am unpredictable at nighttime. The snatch incident was framed up but never realized. I remember that day when two men riding a motorcycle attempted to grab my laptop computer. He wished he can get close to me when the laptop was with him. That he can disguise in any way as my help to retrieve my computer.
But the desire soared back when he noticed me around Mandaluyong area. He initially mistook me of a callboy for he saw me standing at Libertad-Esteban Sts. dark corner. It was rumored among gaymen that the dark corner is the haven of few callboys in Mandaluyong. He said that his initial route to the Clinic and home was through Edsa-Boni, until he sighted me there one early dawn from his evening shift in Bernardino Hospital in Novaliches. It was, as he remembered it, me being picked up by his friend who occupied a condo unit in the neighboring California Gardens.
I feared for what will happen this meeting. I worry for the next thing to happen between us. He stalked me. So for sure he’s primarily after for a physical contact. For sure he wants to have sex with me since. With fear overpowering me, I know that ever sex will ensue, I really can’t afford a hard-on.
He’s so cute and I can’t imagine how desperate this person is to tail me in any way he can get. Knowing all these craziness in him, my physical admiration to him plummeted, even my libido. I wished right there and then that this first meeting would not end at a fuck. But it did.
He assumed I have erectile dysfunction. He tried his best to lick my dick, expecting for a full stretched response. Yet it didn’t. I wished he will instead fuck me but he’s a flat bottom, he declared. He was very disappointed of picking me up.
Nanlalaki mata ko to notice that a olive green Toyota Corolla sped straight to my direction. Napalukso ako sa may bangketa reaching the faded signpost, hoping it will save me. “Putcha!” I swore.
It was a week ago at this very spot as I walked along Libertad street towards the highway when a motorcycle with two riders on sideswept me and grabbed the black leather bag containing the company-issued HP laptop computer clutched on my right hand. Fortunately, I seized the bag firmly that the back rider has let go. “Fuck you!” I remembered swearing at the direction where they zoom away. It upset the coolness of my morning so fixed for a business trip to Tarlac.
Akala ko isang beses lang sa buhay ng tao ang malas o disgrasya. Exactly one year ago today, when “laglag barya” gang victimized me one early morning on my way to the office. I rode a passenger jeepney then and it stopped in just a corner away from my office building. Five big men jumped in whom I thought are normal passengers. Three of them sat in front of me, one on my left and the other on my right. I felt great, fresh and carefree that day that I sensed no danger. The center guy fronting me reached their fare to the driver who accidentally, I assumed, dropped the coins on my spot. All four men busied themselves to retrieve scattered coins under my seat, each one trying to part or push or swing my legs here and there to clear the view. Then all of a sudden my two-month old Nokia 77 swung out of my right pocket, picked up by the fifth man on my right side who jumped off in an instant. “My phone!” I cried. “Phone mo ‘yon? Habulan mo, ayun o!” the third man facing me suggested pointing to the snatcher crossing the footbridge 200 meters away. “Di ba kasama n’yo yon?” I snapped and hurriedly got off. I meekly entered the gate after losing site of the snatcher.
And here I am again, nearly bumped by a car at this landmark of my hard luck. I opted to walk towards EDSA after a weeklong morning rides, the phobic effect of the snatching attempt. Saturdays. The car stopped at my spot but I stood the ground. The mirrors rolled down and the driver peeked over the passenger side’s window. “Hi!” he greeted. Just HI? Does he think this incident is some joke? What about ‘I’m sorry’? I just stared at the handsome face; eyebrows crossed, and then proceeded my way.
As I crossed the corner before Edsa, I noticed the same car turned the other corner. I walked passed stores, Andox, Mini-Stop, Mang Boks and Mercury Drug. I stopped at the corner to wait for the right bus to ride and there came the same car following me. It parked in the vacant parking space inside Mercury Drug compound. The driver come out of the car and walked towards me. Maybe he’s lost and needed direction from me. Or he may know me but I did not recognize him. “Hi, Adrian here. Think I know you. Have met you somewhere.”
I don’t know if it was a question or simply a declaration. But oh! he’s damn cute, svelte, 3 inches taller than me. In black and white striped polo, sleeves rolled up in three-fourths. I was star-struck and haven’t uttered a word but he offered me the passenger seat. I was supposed to visit my other apartment in Commonwealth, QC as it was Sunday, my usual schedule visit, I told him. But he brought me to his pod instead in Madison Tower around Pioneer, just few blocks away from my pod in the opposite side of Edsa.
“I’m sorry to scare you”, I finally heard him apologized. “I just want to surprise you”. Surprise me? Who the hell is this guy to surprise me? I don’t even remember meeting him or just having a glimpse of him in any place on earth I have been to.
He told me he has been eyeing for me since the first time he saw me one afternoon around there. He was then riding a white car. He then confessed that he orchestrated the snatching incident that happened to me few days ago. He reminded me that he was the IM doctor whom I consulted several months ago when sore throat attacked me. And that was at Healthway SM City North-Edsa the Block. He checked on my medical records but the address was in Commonwealth. He planned of pursuing me but declined considering that it was too far and too circumventing from his normal route.
He confessed he hired men to monitor me. He indeed knew my morning routine as I went out of my apartment; that I am unpredictable at nighttime. The snatch incident was framed up but never realized. I remember that day when two men riding a motorcycle attempted to grab my laptop computer. He wished he can get close to me when the laptop was with him. That he can disguise in any way as my help to retrieve my computer.
But the desire soared back when he noticed me around Mandaluyong area. He initially mistook me of a callboy for he saw me standing at Libertad-Esteban Sts. dark corner. It was rumored among gaymen that the dark corner is the haven of few callboys in Mandaluyong. He said that his initial route to the Clinic and home was through Edsa-Boni, until he sighted me there one early dawn from his evening shift in Bernardino Hospital in Novaliches. It was, as he remembered it, me being picked up by his friend who occupied a condo unit in the neighboring California Gardens.
I feared for what will happen this meeting. I worry for the next thing to happen between us. He stalked me. So for sure he’s primarily after for a physical contact. For sure he wants to have sex with me since. With fear overpowering me, I know that ever sex will ensue, I really can’t afford a hard-on.
He’s so cute and I can’t imagine how desperate this person is to tail me in any way he can get. Knowing all these craziness in him, my physical admiration to him plummeted, even my libido. I wished right there and then that this first meeting would not end at a fuck. But it did.
He assumed I have erectile dysfunction. He tried his best to lick my dick, expecting for a full stretched response. Yet it didn’t. I wished he will instead fuck me but he’s a flat bottom, he declared. He was very disappointed of picking me up.
Chapter 1 - Birthday Gift
“Happy birthday again bro!” betoy excitedly shook my hand.
“Happy birthday sis!” tabajoy grabbed my shoulder, pulled me away from betoy and kissed my cheek.
“Thanks” with a wide smile I waved goodbye to betoy and tabajoy, the last departing guests.
They were my partners since we all landed in consultancy for DOF-implemented projects
Both pointed their direction to my pile of yellow steno notebooks where they placed their gifts.
House warming for the new condo unit I acquired.
Mga bading helped me clean the house.
Fortunately my birthday falls on Friday.
I used to celebrate my birthday in a week’s time and the closing party fell at my birth date. This 33rd year of mine is no different. I blew a party in my office last Monday. Another party was held in SuperBowl restaurant in Glorietta 2 on Tuesday. My college batchmates attended. Wednesday was one tiresome birthday blow out, it usually is tiring since my high school batchmates were my guests. I personally cooked for them because it would be expensive to treat them in a restaurant for they would never leave the party until morning. And it won’t end until everyone’s drunk. That made it more tiring. I can taste the hangover up to now. Fortunately, my Thursday guests were immediate families. I don’t need to attend to all their needs and I am not a real host in the mere sense of the word. Tonight was the last party in the row and I have a full house with close friends. Close as in we knew each and everyone of us. The party is the conclusion
No other than my closest friends who used to stay behind after my birthday bash.
Exhausted I settled myself in the sofa. “Babe”, I called my partner, “can you please rub my feet?” I raised my feet on the side arm of the sofa and laid down. Eric did not answer. I let it pass and closed my eyes. The ring of my cellular phone woke me up. I checked on the wall clock and it said 5:55 in the morning. I stood up to reach my phone. “Hello?”
“Cris, Stella here. I have consultancy work for you.” Madam Stella, my mentor since I joined consultancy services, declared. “The Australian AID’s hiring for accountants to conduct credibility audit in some government agencies. The fee is great!”
“Really?” the only word I uttered. I wished I have asked her why this early?
“I will email you the information in a while. You need to submit your resume as soon as possible.”
I reached for my laptop computer then and despite the anghang na mata, I opened my email. It haven’t arrived yet, the email Ma’am Stella mentioned. And I noticed other mails from some of my former colleagues. One from Ms. Annie, another consultant I have worked with in USAID project. It said no subject. I opened it and to my surprise, it was there the information Ma’am Stella has told me a while ago. It was a very long email which includes the terms of reference for the hired consultant. But I did not read the details, I only focus on the message from miss annie, “send your resume asap”. And I did.
Chapter 1 - Birthday Gift
“Happy birthday again bro!” betoy excitedly shook my hand.
“Happy birthday sis!” tabajoy grabbed my shoulder, pulled me away from betoy and kissed my cheek.
“Thanks” with a wide smile I waved goodbye to betoy and tabajoy, the last departing guests.
They were my partners since we all landed in consultancy for DOF-implemented projects
Both pointed their direction to my pile of yellow steno notebooks where they placed their gifts.
House warming for the new condo unit I acquired.
Mga bading helped me clean the house.
Fortunately my birthday falls on Friday.
I used to celebrate my birthday in a week’s time and the closing party fell at my birth date. This 33rd year of mine is no different. I blew a party in my office last Monday. Another party was held in SuperBowl restaurant in Glorietta 2 on Tuesday. My college batchmates attended. Wednesday was one tiresome birthday blow out, it usually is tiring since my high school batchmates were my guests. I personally cooked for them because it would be expensive to treat them in a restaurant for they would never leave the party until morning. And it won’t end until everyone’s drunk. That made it more tiring. I can taste the hangover up to now. Fortunately, my Thursday guests were immediate families. I don’t need to attend to all their needs and I am not a real host in the mere sense of the word. Tonight was the last party in the row and I have a full house with close friends. Close as in we knew each and everyone of us. The party is the conclusion
No other than my closest friends who used to stay behind after my birthday bash.
Exhausted I settled myself in the sofa. “Babe”, I called my partner, “can you please rub my feet?” I raised my feet on the side arm of the sofa and laid down. Eric did not answer. I let it pass and closed my eyes. The ring of my cellular phone woke me up. I checked on the wall clock and it said 5:55 in the morning. I stood up to reach my phone. “Hello?”
“Cris, Stella here. I have consultancy work for you.” Madam Stella, my mentor since I joined consultancy services, declared. “The Australian AID’s hiring for accountants to conduct credibility audit in some government agencies. The fee is great!”
“Really?” the only word I uttered. I wished I have asked her why this early?
“I will email you the information in a while. You need to submit your resume as soon as possible.”
I reached for my laptop computer then and despite the anghang na mata, I opened my email. It haven’t arrived yet, the email Ma’am Stella mentioned. And I noticed other mails from some of my former colleagues. One from Ms. Annie, another consultant I have worked with in USAID project. It said no subject. I opened it and to my surprise, it was there the information Ma’am Stella has told me a while ago. It was a very long email which includes the terms of reference for the hired consultant. But I did not read the details, I only focus on the message from miss annie, “send your resume asap”. And I did.
my American Idol 2010
After the nationwide vote... It is LEE DEWYZE!

Lee DeWyze Biography
Born Leon James DeWyze on April 2, 1986, in Mount Prospect, Illinois, to parents Kathleen and Lee DeWyze.
Lee, Jr. began performing music publicly at the age of 16. After graduating from Mount Prospect High School, DeWyze released his first independent album, So I'm Told (2007). He then signed to independent music label WuLi Records, which released his album Slumberland (2010).
DeWyze auditioned for the reality music competition American Idol in 2009. He made it onto the show's ninth season, and is currently in the top 2 finalists.
I really feel for him...He has a humble beginning. Yes, he's bashful because he's that good-natured person that for sure will always keep his feet on the ground. He is the type of person that would value his beginning whatever greatness he will harvest in the future.
He's been my bet since the top 24 and I will always be his avid fan. I will keep myself updated with his accomplishments, I will for sure run to the record bars whenever he released his album/s.
I will always beLEEve in his talents, his shyness, and his cuteness!
I even posted in my FB status the call to my friends and relatives in the US to vote for LEE on May 25 (May 26 in the Philippines) after his for-sure-wow 3-song performance.

Lee DeWyze Biography
Born Leon James DeWyze on April 2, 1986, in Mount Prospect, Illinois, to parents Kathleen and Lee DeWyze.
Lee, Jr. began performing music publicly at the age of 16. After graduating from Mount Prospect High School, DeWyze released his first independent album, So I'm Told (2007). He then signed to independent music label WuLi Records, which released his album Slumberland (2010).
DeWyze auditioned for the reality music competition American Idol in 2009. He made it onto the show's ninth season, and is currently in the top 2 finalists.
I really feel for him...He has a humble beginning. Yes, he's bashful because he's that good-natured person that for sure will always keep his feet on the ground. He is the type of person that would value his beginning whatever greatness he will harvest in the future.
He's been my bet since the top 24 and I will always be his avid fan. I will keep myself updated with his accomplishments, I will for sure run to the record bars whenever he released his album/s.
I will always beLEEve in his talents, his shyness, and his cuteness!
I even posted in my FB status the call to my friends and relatives in the US to vote for LEE on May 25 (May 26 in the Philippines) after his for-sure-wow 3-song performance.
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