Thursday, March 21, 2024

What Made me Stay... Motivated?

Employment History

Since I started working right after passing the licensure exam in October 1997, I normally spent an average of 2 years per company, institution or organization. It seems to me that after 2 years, everything had become routine (boring!), my job roles and functions have become predictable (boring!). The motivation to stay vanished. 

Having experienced doing consultancy led me to think of retiring at age 40 and rather accept short-term engagements. I believe a penny here and there could already paid my bills and subsistence. 

Then I got a LinkedIn message offering me a job as a Team Leader. It was from a FreeBalance HR in Kolkata, India. I declined the offer although I was looking for a new engagement. That time I was teaching in the nearby college on a part-time basis and it was not enough to pay my monthly obligations. But then the representative came back to offer me the Change Management Lead. When I finished checking the terms of reference, I accepted the offer, which was followed immediately by a personal interview and contracting.

Since July 2016, I have been working full-time with FreeBalance. It took me more than 7 years and 8 months when it restructured in March 2024. So it was kind of record-breaking for my employment history! 

What made me stay?

I had no idea about FreeBalance before and even few months after being hired. Later I learned that it provides software and consulting services only to governments. It is a small player as compared to known ERP providers. Because of its small workforce around the world, it is not highly specialized, a flat organization, and has plenty of space for playing several roles, and for each one to be recognized.

One surprising thing really is the permanent employment contract. I was expecting to just stay until the project in the Philippines is finished and delivered. It was turned over for maintenance and sustainability since January 2019.

While the rest of the Philippine Team was coterminus with the project completion, I was absorbed in the APAC regional project management advisory service. My first assignment was in Bangkok, Thailand on partnership engagement in early 2018. I worked with the recon team to revive the project in Laos, Cambodia later that same year. 

In 2019, I was sent to Dili in East Timor to conduct Capacity Building Assessment as part of the Sustainability Service contract. Then to Jakarta, Indonesia thrice in the same year to do product presentations to the government. 

Then covid19 pandemic happened but it did not stop my work. It always feels like there is something to be done that I can do. 

So when the aviation opened for overseas travels in October 2020, FreeBalance sent me to Brazil to assist in the pre-implementation phase of a project in Belem, State of Para. While the world was healing from covid virus, I was all around the world. Thank God, I was never infected! 

I had a one-month stint in Sierra Leone for Change Management Assessment. Then to Honduras for the social security system implementation. Then on to Trinidad and Tobago to implement the Change Management Program. And finally to Tunisia as Change Management Consultant.

What kept me motivated?

There is no perfect employer. Just like me, I am not a perfect employee.

FreeBalance however has been very supportive of my work-life balance, of my professional development, and my worth as a worker.

Having been sent to countries I have not heard of (the likes of Sierra Leone, Honduras, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia), connecting through well-known cities or countries (the likes of Qatar, Dubai, Miami, New York, Panama, Istanbul, Bali), triggered my curiosity and enhanced my travel bug. Having been sponsored to company paid training courses and certifications, especially the Lean 6 Sigma in the Philippines and the Prosci Change Management Certificate Training in Singapore, was more than I can ask for.

Even now that I ended my permanent employment contract with FreeBalance, it always has a special place in life having that huge part of my professional growth.

And thus when an offer to do short-term contracts as Professional Services Consultant was extended to me, there is no time for second guessing; I said YES right away. I am now in the Federated States of Micronesia.

So the journey continues... I keep on representing FreeBalance! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Work Permit in Trinidad & Tobago

April 2022

It all started with the acceptance of the proposed Transformational Plan by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago (GoRTT). I was the expert assigned to prepare the Change Management Proposal.

It was my first time to hear about Port of Spain and then all of a sudden I was stepping on its grounds. That trip fell within the Holy Week; on April 10-23, 2022. While I was writing the required documentation, I was also enjoying some DIY tours with colleagues: Beina (from Philippines), Nilangika and Rifas (from Sri Lanka).

Within a span of 2 weeks, I already visited the Savannah Park where the famous attraction in the city center called the Magnificent Seven Castles are lined up. I reached as far as the Mount St Dominic, also a noted religious destination in Trinidad island.

At Mount St Dominic with Rifas, Nilangika & Biena

May 2022

Tegucigalpa City in Honduras was my official station that time when I did all virtual meetings and presentations for the proposal to officials of the GoRTT Ministry of Finance. My employer, FreeBalance, felt hopeful for the additional project so I was assigned to Port of Spain. And without much ado, I already saw myself packing to change workstation and flew to Trinidad and Tobago on May 21.

With the FreeBalance International Team

June 2022

All work no play makes me crazy! And Biena was heading home and to another project. So the two of us fellow Filipinos booked a Tobago tour on June 9. I ditched all assigned weekend works, hopped on the early morning ferry to Scarborough, and spent an overnight at the company apartment with Dinesh, a colleague from Suriname.

Overnight trip to Tobago Island with Beina & Dinesh

July & August 2022

The world of Trinbago is always happy and eventful. By the end of July, the Emancipation Day was such a glorious and colorful celebration. Me and Nilangika joined the street dance on July 30 to Aug 1.

Then a major event happened on Aug 4 when the Change Management contract was signed. This was the ultimate reason of my relocation in the country.

Then on Aug 31, the Trinis commemorated their Independence Day in fireworks and coolers. 

With Nilangika

With Marlon

With Rishad

October 2022

After 2 months of Change Management Workshops and Users Training, Nilangika and I took a breather by enjoying the Bamboo Cathedral; Rishad from Sri Lanka joined us. Within the month we actively observed the Divali Festival, reached to check the Hindu Temples in Chaguanas, and made the sunset tour at Caroni Swamp.

November 2022

Before going home for Christmas, the FreeBalance International Team, composed of Nilangika, Dinesh, Rishad, Marlon from Guyana, Iresh also from Sri Lanka, and me, trekked the Paria Trail. It was more or less a 15KM walk from the drop off point within the Blanchisseuse area, passing Marriane Beach to Marosell Bay, then to Turtle Rock, Paria Waterfall, up until the Paria Bay where the famous Stone Arch is located. This Paria Stone Arch has been one of the FreeBalance screensavers. Since we cannot manage to walk the same way back, so we enjoyed the speedboat ride before sunset.

February 2023

I was invited back to Trinidad & Tobago in 2023 and had a chance to experience firsthand the Carnival for which Trinis are noted for. The monthlong celebration was full of energy. I even wonder how they survive all the Fete (festivals, reunions, gatherings), the J'ouvert (that wet concert that normally start at dawn or midnight and finish in the morning with partygoers ending to be wet and covered with paints), and the Carnival competition (Feb 15 to 22) from stage performances to street dancing.

Then March 2023 came when I need to move to next country for the next project.

With Marlon & Dinesh

What made my Trinidad my second home was the close-knit Filipino Community. I have participated in many activities and sports.

Pinoy Setsy Volleyball Team

With bestie Eva & Marlon

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Every Trip, A Different Experience

Jan 2023 in Trinidad & Tobago

At customs declaration and clearance counter, I was frisked for using a camouflage backpack (which is illegal stuff in the country), It was my honest and innocent mistake thinking that a big Reebok brand will make it less offensive and I used it out of respect to my cousin in Florida who gave it to me as a Christmas gift. This incident made me forget that I gave my passport to the immigration officer and hence resulted to having my passport left in the counter. I realized I lost it only 4 days later.

Oct 2022 in NY, USA

At inbound immigration coming from Trinidad, I was interrogated for the onward ticket during my Halloween trip for 5 days. I reasoned about the rerouting (from Miami to New York) and rebooking (from Dec to Nov) of ticket which is yet to be issued by our travel agency. But I showed my return flight to T&T in case the ticket cannot be issued by Nov2. I was issued a yellow folder and was brought for more questioning in the immig office. When I was finally called, I recited the same alibi, and the final question was “What is the last conversation with you and your supervisor?” So I browsed the reused email (which travel destination is changed to NYC) I had with my VP that contained the approval of my travel to New York. The officer immediately gave me a green pass.

Sep 2022 in Dubai, UAE

At checkin counter in Miami, the clerk asked for my visit visa. I was confused because I expected a short connection at Dubai Airport, and because I was in a hurry to pass by Manila to pack up for my Singapore trip the day after my arrival. Only then that I realized that my connection was 32 hours apart. So I was advised to stay at the airport (with Dubai International Hotel) because I have not availed of the Dubai Connection package.

Jun 2022 in Doha, Qatar 

Because Phillipines put a cap on number of returning Filipinos during the pandemic, I was refused at the boarding gate for the Doha-Manila flight. Qatar Airways provided me a hotel and meal vouchers and an upgrade to business class in the next available flight. So I stayed at Doha Airport for 24 hours.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Consulting and Touring Abroad

The first and foremost Change Management Services Contract in Trinidad & Tobago

Murray’s Question: 

Did you enjoy your trips and your project work?

My long answer:

Travelling for work has a different motivation. There is this level of concentration. Then there is this sense of urgency to finish the job as fast as possible, because it feels like you only have limited time in one place.

The stress and pressure are coming from the kind of Project Manager (within FreeBalance), its management style and personality,  and the cultural peculiarity of the client-government. It is hard to please and the role playing is quite challenging, like being a team player (or a controlled staff for micro-managers) while being a consultant.

In short, every individual is unique, has different backgrounds and culture, so tension is always present, especially because you only meet them at work for a limited time. This was my first consultancy in foreign countries; Brazil  and Sierra Leone are at extremes kind of customer. The change management is happening within myself, while I am doing such advisory for them.

I cannot tell if I enjoyed it but I like the experience. It is hard to quantify the outcomes but I believe I have delivered enough outputs. The sidetrips has become a necessity just to take a breath and a break... But the enjoyment of traveling for leisure is totally different.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Real Spanish Scenarios for 8 Months

Supposedly Haiti

I was assisting in the project implementation for the Government of Haiti when the call to travel to Honduras arrived. If only the ground situation in Haiti, primarily the capital city of Port-au-Prince, was peaceful and secured, I would be in the country the soonest. But following the assassination of their President, there was civil unrest in the country and the security especially for foreigners was  compromised since July 2021. 

So my original itinerary to pass through the US as a transit visitor was Port au Prince because we Filipinos do not require visa to enter Haiti. I cannot declare Honduras as my final destination yet because I need a pre-approved entry visa. That would be my first task while in Miami -- process my application for a business visa to Honduras.

Honduras, Actually

El Picacho

First Entry: August 24 - November 21, 2021

I only heard of Honduras in beauty pageants, like Miss Universe. And before this travel, I did not know its capital city, let alone pronounce the name Tegucigalpa correctly. 

Having obtained a special appointment with the Embassy of Honduras in Miami, and after the 4 long hours of waiting while answering short questions from the immigration officer here and there, I got a 1-year, multi-entry business visa.  And on August 24, I landed at the city airport. I was honored to get a 90-day entry stamp on my passport while most of my colleagues who went ahead of me only got a maximum of 60 days.

Because I refused to be fetched by the Project Manager, I made my own way to the Ecovivienda apartment, which is the official residence of FreeBalance Team members. While cruising the way, I realized that Tegucigalpa is a city in the mountain. With its high altitude, the climate is chilling for me. I can really feel the nip in the air because it around the end of August. 

My happiness did not end there. During rooming me in, I found out that I got a beautiful, clean, fully furnished, and very organized apartment, on a 3rd level, overlooking the community garden. I felt home instantly. And without me knowing it, I stayed there for the next 8 months of my life.

At Home

Golf Lessons: September 11 & 19, 2021

I travelled for work, yes! but it did not mean I have to refuse fun. When VP Gerard came to visit the team, we went golfing in Comayagua, the nearby town. Gerard served as our mentor, because it was our first time, for Brenda from Suriname, Biena, also from Philippines, and myself. 

First time

When Solution Architect Nick arrived after Gerard, we went back to the golf course for the second time. This time, Nick was mentoring. For both occasions, our Project Manager was the driver.

Second time

Valley of Angels: September 15 & November 20, 2021

One of our local consultants, Miriam, was our weekend tour guide. She organized tours for us foreign consultants on weekends. One of the most interesting destination was Valle de Angeles. It's a small town in the middle of the pine woods with cool climate, and which offers souvenir items and street foods. In fact, we visited Valle de Angeles twice. I went with Biena, Brenda and Miriam for the first time; and Sandika joined on the second time.

First time

Second time

Big Day --- the Go Live Date: October 11, 2021

This was what I came here for -- the project implementation of Social Security System in Honduras. The first component was about the Core Financials System which has been tested and ready to go on production. Actually. this was the third attempt to go live. I facilitated the change management aspect of the project to make the client ready for the actual implementation of the system.

FreeBalance Team with INJUPEMP Director

The client had prepared a big event for this day... and it was successfully celebrated!

Windy Destination: October 23 & November 6, 2021

Another weekend and Miriam showed us the windy peaks of the Francisco Morazan region. The town of Santa Ana is where the giant windmills are lined up to provide a renewable energy in the country. We started our date with wine and pizza for both occasions. Biena, Miriam and myself for the first time; then Brenda joined us the second time. 

But it was on October 23 that we reached another town, Ojojona, where Spanish heritage is well preserved. 

And on November 6, we climbed La Tigra where the watershed and forest reserved is located.

Second Entry: November 26, 2021 - February 21, 2022

I exited the country on November 21 when my 90-day expired. I came back after the Thanksgiving Day in the US. I was chosen to remain in the country to represent the international team while all that have families of their own were granted to spend the holidays with their families in their home countries.

This time however, I was only granted 60-day entry.

Christmas in Ruins: December 23-26, 2021

I am fascinated with ancient ruins. I dreamt of visiting all these known ancient sites someday. Ancient Mayan civilization is one at the top of the list. And it excited me to know that Honduras had a share of such history. Its own Mayan ruins are located in the Copan region.

So I researched and booked a two-way bus ride with Hedman Alas and reserved 3 nights at Iguana Azul Hostel.

Among the top stuffs I did while in Copan were the following:

1. Spent a day around the Main Archeological Site

2. That included visiting Las Sepulturas Museum

3. Spent a half day with Macaws and other rescued birds

4. Chilled at the Central Park during the day and Christmas Eve

5. Drunk German Beers

4. Hiked around the town

5. Tried the local foods at Comedor Mary and desserts at Cafe Welchez

New Year in the Caribbean Shores: December 30, 2021 - January 2, 2022

The northern part of Honduras is facing the Caribbean Sea. Hearing the word "caribbean" was so enticing because I only heard it from the hit movie franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean. So, spending holidays there, no matter the cost, would be worth it.

Again I researched about Roatan Island, booked a return ticket with Victoria Bus Liner to reach La Ceiba where the Ferry Terminal is located for vessels going to and from Roatan. I also booked a bed for 2 nights at Bay Side Hotel; a dorm-type accommodation with 6 beds in total but I was alone the whole time.

I walked around both noted areas of the island, the West End and the West Bay. The fireworks display on the New Year's Eve was awesome. The people were having fun, music and jubilation were everywhere. T'was as if there was no covid situation. 

I was supposed to go back to La Ceiba on January 1st but the boat trip that day was canceled for the holiday observance. So I stayed in the island for one extra night.

Another Birthday Celebration away from Home: January 9, 2022

This was my third year to celebrate my birthday in the foreign land: Singapore in 2020 attending the regional workshop; Brazil in 2021 for a project in Belem, and this year. 

Then my officemates threw me a surprise party on January 8th bringing huge Pinata, a cake, and food in wraps.

Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Suyapa: February 3 & 13, 2022

The Catholics celebrate the miracle of Our Lady of Suyapa every February. The high mass with huge number of pilgrims happened on February 3. Brenda, Miriam and I participated the celebration on February 2nd to avoid the crowd on the feast day. But I went back walking that early morning of February 3rd to observe the activities of the faithfuls.

Then we registered also to participate in the Fun Run and Family Walk on February 13. In the end, it was only Brenda and myself who hit the road because Miriam injured her foot few days before the race.

Third Entry: March 26 - April 8, 2022

I availed of the 30-day extension so my stay in the country ended on February 19. I exited again to the US for few days before heading home to the Philippines. 

I went back to Honduras in the last week of March. This time I was sharing the apartment with Nick.

When I cleared the immigration, the officer gave me 90 days to stay. But I only stayed for 2 weeks. I exited and head to Trinidad for the Holy Week to do some work on change management related to another project implementation there.

Fourth Entry: April 24 - May 21, 2022

This was my last entry in Honduras. My fellow Filipino, our Philippine Project Manager, Arfel, was in the country this time to assist in managing the implementation. 

Mother's Day in San Lorenzo: May 7-8, 2022

As I have been planning all this time, I finally visited the southern part of Honduras. Brenda accompanied me to San Lorenzo. There we celebrated the Mother's Day.

And on May 21st, I relocated to Port of Spain, the capital city of Trinidad & Tobago in the Caribbean Region.